Thread: Yard freaks
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      04-14-2019, 09:53 AM   #160
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Originally Posted by lsturbointeg View Post
I remember the first time I saw moths flying out of the grass I was like "wtf is that?" but yes the worms they leave behind is what starts to eat away at the roots of the grass causing those brown patches.

DITCH the lawn care service and DIY! you'll save money and it's not that hard to do. to me all they really do is band aid the situation just to get you thinking they know what they're doing. that 30-0-4 is crazy high nitrogen and yeah that will get the grass to grow crazy but not really fix the problem. that's why most Lawn Youtubers will preach about not pushing too much nitrogen early spring as you want the grass to develop good root depth before top. have you looked into the NEXT Products? I use RGS and Humic12. really good stuff! as far as the bare spots depending on the grass you have some grasses don't fill in bare spots as many grasses don't have I think they're called rhizomes? so you're better off just buying some grass seeds that match what you have already and overseed that area with some good soil to seed contact. but you will have to keep watering them for whatever germination period for those seed types.
I agree so I'm glad someone else does as well (wrt the 30-0-4). They made a point of stressing "NO phosphorus" after giving me the N-P-K ratio and it left me puzzled as to why. Phosphorus, per my understanding, is what helps w/ root dev and this is the time that grass is in that phase. The nitrogen is more for leaf dev and greening but, as you said, not really fix the problem.

I created a little spreadsheet calculator to figure out how much of a fert I'd need to buy for various application rates/pound-ages. I can just enter in N-P-K ratio, bag lbs, and bag cost and it'll do math for me so I know how many bags to buy (or compare vs another product).

I've heard of the N-ext products and seen the prices (lol). I get a bit skeptical of YT personalities pushing products at times if I can't find much about it in the wilds of the internet. You never know what the YT-ers get behind the scenes. I've started reading of people mixing their own brews of similar concoctions as well as people being able to order from GCF at a fair discount compared to going through LCN. Not sure which way to go although I would like to try humic acid to help w/ the clay soil in my parts.

Here's one homebrew link I found:

I'm not totally sure what grass I have (Chicagoland). It may one or a mix of: Kentucky blue grass, tall or fine fescue, and possibly a little perennial rye mixed in. It seems the blue grass is most common.
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