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      01-23-2013, 08:41 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by shah269 View Post
I feel so bad i was having lunch with a friend, he's in his mid 30's like me has two kids.
One is a few months old and the other is maybe two?
The man hasn't sleept in I would say 3 years. He looks like he's going to die at any moment.
And it's just common decency to not start the conversation off with "So I was having sex with this one girl and thinking yeah her ass is nice but.....she works at the gap....wait why are you angry...why are you picking up a knife...."
Why do you care where a woman works? If you met a nice girl (unlikely, I know) who you really hit it off with but she found out you were a boring engineer and cut it off with you - wouldn't you think she was a raging c**t? I just don't understand why someone who seems so desperate for companionship would cut ties with a girl based on her career choice alone. You're thinking like a pre-teen girl looking for her prince. You're a man, act like one.

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